Italy 2007

Italy 2007
after some wine... sheer bliss!

quinta-feira, 14 de abril de 2011

Love in black and white

"One man. One woman. And the brief encounter whose passion will reverberate through the rest of their lives."
"Neither Robert Kincaid nor Francesca Johnson are in the first bloom of youth. Both of them are content with their lives. Yet when Robert turns into Francesca's drive one day, their meeting is one of unusual beauty. Their four days together will haunt them and hold them for the rest of their lives."

This love story is undoubtly worth reading. Available in our library.

quarta-feira, 6 de abril de 2011

Language tip: the importance of reading

Reading is very important if you want to increase your vocabulary in any language. It's also good to revise grammar structure. But most of all reading gives you the opportunity of disclosing new cultures, having fun,
dreaming, travelling in time and space... So, pick up a book and start now! Five minutes a day dedicated to this fun activity can make a huge difference in your life!

sexta-feira, 1 de abril de 2011

Language tip: call

Don't use a preposition after the verb CALL.

Don't say: I need to call to my mother. 
Say: I need to call my mother.